Hold tight...

...we're going faster with R100

We're bringing access to faster broadband to homes and businesses across Scotland.

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Progress update | July '24

Our latest infographic summarises progress across our broadband programmes - R100 and Project Gigabit in Scotland.

Latest News & Case Studies

Faster broadband

The Scottish Government policy commitment of ensuring access to 100% superfast broadband coverage by 2021 was met via the three strands of the Reaching 100% (R100) Scottish Government programme – the over £600 million R100 contracts, the R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme and continued commercial coverage.

Around 114,000 premises will be able to access faster broadband as a result of the R100 contracts.

In addition, the R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme (SBVS) was launched in September 2020. R100 SBVS ensures that any sub-30Mbps home or business not in scope of the R100 contracts or planned commercial build can get access through a voucher worth up to £5,000. At 15 April 2024, over 3,900 R100 SBVS vouchers have been used to provide access to faster broadband in Scotland, with another 1,000 in train.

The story so far

The Scottish Government appointed BT as the R100 contract delivery partner, with build commencing in 2020 for the South and Central lots, and the North lot in 2021.

R100 builds upon the successful Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme, which connected more than 950,600 homes and businesses across Scotland. DSSB has been estimated to deliver over £2.76 billion over 15 years for the Scottish economy with every £1 of public funding being expected to deliver £12 of benefits to the Scottish economy.