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Graeme Blackie

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Graeme Blackie lives in Houston in Renfrewshire. He is finding that fibre broadband is making a big difference to him. He says: “Fibre broadband has radically improved the whole digital experience.”

High definition films and TV on demand

“All three of us can be online at the same time now, without noticing any difference in the fast internet speeds”

Graeme says: “I enjoy using Netflix and watching ‘TV on demand’ on iPlayer. Before I had fibre broadband, there could be buffering on the film or programme and the whole experience was just not very smooth. When you select something, it comes up straightaway and the whole operation is much more consistent now. I watch the majority of my TV and films on the internet these days. Now everything is so much smoother and there is never any buffering. Thanks to fibre broadband, I have also now been able to take the HD (High Definition) package on Netflix. This would have been impossible with my old broadband connection and means that I can enjoy infinitely better quality now.”

Whole family online together

Graeme continues: “I have two boys aged 11 and 14 who stay with me every second weekend. Time spent with the lads is precious and I want us all to enjoy every second. We usually watch a film together on a Saturday night, so it is great to be able to relax and do that in HD, without having to worry about whether the internet connection will drop out. Downloading music from iTunes is much snappier too.

“When the boys are with me, they often use their iPads to chat to their friends on social media, download videos from YouTube or play games online. All three of us can be online at the same time now, without noticing any difference in the fast internet speeds, so we are all much happier!”

Dramatic improvement in upload speeds

Graeme adds: “Another area where I am noticing a big difference is when it comes to storing digital photos in the cloud. Before I had fibre broadband, it took an hour or so to upload fifty photos, whereas now I can do this in a couple of minutes. The upload speeds I am enjoying with fibre broadband are around thirty times faster than I had before, so the improvement on this is really dramatic.

Working from home

“The higher upload speeds will also make it easier if I am working from home and I need to send large files by email. This is another example of how the whole digital experience has been transformed for me, saving me time, making my life smoother and adding to my choices.”