News and Case Studies

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Iain Struthers

Monday, 02 July 2018

Working as a freelance photographer in Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Iain Struthers has seen an incredible difference since upgrading to fibre broadband. Iain’s photography business requires the ability to frequently send large files online so upgrading to fibre broadband has been a game changer.


Wedding Photography

“Since signing up to fibre broadband a gallery of 600 wedding images now upload in less than an hour, instead if the three days it often took before!”

Iain focuses widely on wedding photography and with 90% of his work being sent to clients online using sharing systems like Dropbox and WeTransfer, fast speed broadband is essential.

Iain says: “All of my wedding clients are given an online gallery where they can view their wedding photographs online. This requires uploading around 500-600 high resolution images per wedding! “Before my recent switch to fibre

broadband, I would need to explain to clients that my connection speed was terrible and that I might not be able to deliver on the same day.

“However, since signing up to fibre broadband a gallery of 600 wedding images now upload in less than an hour, instead if the three days it often took before!”

Knockhill Event Photography

Iain also works as an event photographer and videographer for Knockhill racing circuit in Fife. Working with Knockhill, Iain is often required to have the photographs available to view online the same day. This allows the photographs to be issued immediately to the local press - so having a good broadband connection is essential.

Iain adds: “Upgrading to fibre broadband has been a game changer! Before switching to fibre, it was just a waiting game to get anything uploaded – I often had to pop along to a local coffee shop to use the internet to upload the images.

“Signing up has completely derestricted my business when it comes to sending and receiving data. I now use an editing system that uses online storage so all my work is immediately backed up in cloud storage as soon as I save it - this wasn’t possible before I upgraded to fibre.”

Website Upgrade

As a photographer it is essential that website content is up to date and relevant to showcase images to prospective clients. Since signing up to fibre broadband Iain has been able to easily manage his website. “Both of my websites - and - have benefitted as a result of a faster broadband speed.

“My wedding site in particular has vastly improved. A faster internet connection has really helped the visitor experience on the site and I can upload large numbers of images to blogs and galleries much quicker and in a higher resolution.

“I would encourage everyone to check the Digital Scotland website to find out if you can get the service. The difference it has made to me and my business has been incredible.”