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Mark Alexander The Word Association

Monday, 02 July 2018

Mark Alexander is from Newton of Falkland in Fife and the difference that fibre broadband has made for his business, The Word Association, has been incredible. The Word Association is an established PR and marketing consultancy with clients throughout the UK and Europe so having fibre broadband is essential, particularly in online communication.


Client Communication

“Aside from sending files to our clients in minutes, we’ve been able to send video files which we just wouldn’t have considered before.”

As The Word Association deals with various clients throughout the UK and Europe it is extremely important that the businesshas an effective way to communicate with clients effectively and quickly online.

Mark says: “Our business is all about communication, which more often than not means communicating with our clients online. This could mean writing press releases and distributing them to our media contacts or writing and designing brochures and websites and publishing them online.”

Before upgrading to fibre broadband, Mark personally had to meet with the video editor so that the video files could be handed over physically as sending them online took days. However, as a result of upgrading to fibre broadband Mark can now send these huge files in a few minutes which massively saves time and helps the business deliver services to clients more efficiently.

Mark says: “Aside from sending files to our clients in minutes, we’ve been able to send video files which we just wouldn’t have considered before. This part of our business is growing rapidly - creating corporate videos for online use and social media purposes.

“This is where fibre broadband comes into its own especially as we often shoot interviews onsite with 4K cameras that produce extremely large files (900MB).”

Local Community Success

As Mark can now work with large video files, he has been able to work with a number of local community initiatives and partnership enterprises creating bespoke videos. This local work requires fast speed broadband to enable the business to send large video files and edits.

Mark says: “A client that has recently benefitted from our ability to send video files has been Our Bright Future, which encourages young people to build careers in the local community.

“We were able to review and revise edits quickly and within days of delivering a completed promotional video, we received news that the video had almost instantaneously been a success as it already attracted new candidates for one of their initiatives.”

Photography Website

Mark has personally been able to benefit from fibre broadband in terms of keeping his photography website up-to-date. A photography business is dependent on delivering photographic portfolios as quickly as possible so upgrading to fibre broadband has enabled Mark to easily upload online content.

Mark adds: “We’ve been able to update our photography website www.markalexandergolfphotography. com with new projects and shoots without having to schedule in an upload because of the inordinate time it takes. We just update the website now whenever we want, which keeps the content fresh and continually changing, which is brilliant.

“I would encourage everyone to check the Digital Scotland website to find out if you can get the service. The difference it has made to me and my business has been incredible.”