News and Case Studies

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National Satellite Programme

Monday, 25 January 2016

As part of Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband programme we will also be supporting the National Satellite Programme (NSP). The NSP is aimed at the relatively small number of premises which are not covered by our DSSB programme or that of Community Broadband Scotland and are unable to access broadband services of a minimum speed of 2Mbps.


The scheme will offer those residents and businesses with broadband connections of less than 2Mbps the opportunity to apply for a subsidy towards the installation and set-up of a satellite broadband solution, via a range of different providers offering a variety of packages.


Digital Scotland is in the final stages of organising the administration of this scheme, which will involve those applying having to fill out a form to confirm their eligibility. In the meantime, you can register your interest in the scheme at