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New discoveries by the children at Newarthill

Monday, 13 June 2016

The Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband mobile showcase was a real hit with the children at St. Teresa's Primary School in Newarthill when it visited the school in April.

Around 90 children aged between 8-10 years old discovered the story behind fibre broadband and found out how superfast broadband is enabled at their own home.

Principal Teacher Tina Pickering said: “Before the visit, most of the children had no idea about fibre broadband technology or what is involved behind the scenes. The internet is always there for them, so they take it for granted. This wonderful visit opened their eyes to what is involved in making the technology work. They were absolutely amazed!”

Tina continued: “The children were particularly fascinated to see how large and heavy the old copper wiring was, compared with the incredibly lightweight fibre optic. And they loved the fact that fibre optic is made from glass. That really surprised and interested them.

“Many of the children said that they had seen green roadside cabinets around the area, but did not know what they were. They really enjoyed finding out! One girl in particular was awe-struck by the fact that just one small cabinet could supply fibre broadband to so many houses.

“The team pitched the information at just the right level for the age group, firing the children’s imagination and inspiring them to want to know more. The pupils were helped to piece the various parts of the jigsaw puzzle together and ended up with a brilliant understanding of fibre broadband and its benefits.

“The icing on the cake for the children was the gift of goody bags including some marvellous workbooks, which they have enjoyed working through at their own pace. This has kept up their enthusiasm for fibre broadband.”

Tina added: “I think that for more than one of our pupils, the visit could have stimulated a lifelong interest in technology. In fact, one of our 8 year old girls has announced she would like to work for Digital Scotland when she grows up!”