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R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme continues to make a difference across Scotland

Monday, 10 October 2022

A fast, reliable broadband connection remains key to our home and working lives.

The Scottish Government’s Reaching 100% (R100) programme is enabling access to superfast broadband through three strands of activity – the R100 contracts, the Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme (SBVS) and continued commercial coverage.

SBVS is open to all eligible homes and businesses across Scotland unable to access speeds of at least 30Mbps. The voucher scheme is making a difference to people right across the country. Here we take a look at the stories of some voucher beneficiaries in Aberdeenshire, Stirling and Fraserburgh.

A superfast connection has enabled Richard from Aberdeenshire to home-school his son and work from home.

Richard said: “A superfast connection has made it possible for me to home-school my son during the pandemic and to work from home. It also allows us to stream films in real-time, something that we could not do before.”

“Faster broadband speeds has allowed me to work from home with a much more seamless connection than in the past and I now no longer have to commute to work.”

Lennagh from Fraserburgh gained faster broadband speeds through a 4G connection. As a carer this connectivity has given her the ability to work from home while caring for family.

Lennagh said: “Having had our broadband upgraded I am now able to work from home efficiently. I care for my mum with Alzheimer's and my aunty with Vascular Dementia. Being able to work from home and look after them has been invaluable.”

“I would recommend SBVS because it has given me the ability to work from home while caring for my mum and aunty – as well as a hassle free connection.”

John from Stirling, has seen his broadband speeds improve after receiving an SBVS voucher.

John said: “During Covid-19, I was using the internet much more often. My connection is now more reliable and faster. Previously I was experiencing slow speeds of 0.5Mbps – this has now improved.”

Various technology solutions are available through the R100 SBVS: fixed wireless, full fibre, fixed mobile or satellite. Availability of services will be location dependent.

Find out more about the scheme and how to engage a registered supplier on our R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme page.