News and Case Studies

Read news and articles on the progress of the superfast broadband rollout in Scotland and more.


Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Rollos are a long established solicitors and estate agents, with offices in St Andrews, Cupar, Auchtermuchty and Glenrothes. They offer a wide range of legal, financial and property services across Fife, Tayside and further afield, nationally and internationally.Rollos were one of the first businesses to order fibre optic broadband, when it became available in Cupar, which is where the Rollos principal office is based.
“Fibre broadband really is great news for our firm. It is improving our productivity, helping us provide better customer service”

Practice Manager Heather Davidson says: “Fibre optic broadband is already having a huge impact on the way we do business as well as opening up exciting new digital opportunities, which we believe will allow us to provide an even better service to our clients in the future.”

Heather continues: “We are now enjoying broadband speeds of over 30Mbps, which is about thirty times faster than we had before! A great deal of our work for clients across a wide spectrum of disciplines requires us to interact online with government, local authority and commercial agencies on a daily basis. In the past, this could often be a highly frustrating and cumbersome task, particularly if the connection were to crash out half way through.

Faster and more efficient

“Now, these routine online tasks can be completed in a fraction of the time. This increases our productivity enormously. Ultimately, it means we can process work much more efficiently and communicate clients and other solicitors such that business can be transacted more quickly and, hopefully, with less stress all round”.

Heather adds: “The central servers for our five branch offices are at the Cupar office, with the other offices linked in through our virtual private network. Now that we have a superfast connection, our network is considerably faster and more robust and reliable. Once we are able to have fibre broadband installed at all the branch offices too, the whole system will become even more effective and we will be able to share data instantaneously.

New opportunities

“Fibre broadband also paves the way for our firm to use cloud computing. This has been an ambition since cloud technology was introduced, however the physical limitations of the network made that unreliable, if not impossible. Cloud computing will bring significant benefits to us. At present, our case management systems are manual. We are planning to introduce a cloud based case management system, which will offer us fantastic amounts of storage, as well as save us time and money.

Face to face communications

“Fibre broadband also allows us to move over to an internet based telephone service. Again, the cost savings from this are likely to be massive. Skype now also comes into play and is something we are likely to use in future, now that we have fibre broadband. With our high speed connection, the video quality should be superb and it means we can use Skype for video conferencing with our more distant clients. This will help us maintain good client contact and relationships, wherever our clients may be in the world.”

Heather concludes: “Fibre broadband really is great news for Rollos. Already, it is improving our productivity, helping us provide a better client led service. Once we have fibre broadband in all our branch offices too, it really will take Rollos’ operation to a whole new level, transforming our business and helping us to meet our clients’ expectations and stay ahead of our competition.”