News and Case Studies

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SBVS connection for Cardross, Dumbarton

Monday, 07 November 2022

Andrew, a father of two in the village of Cardross, Dumbarton, used the Scottish Government’s Reaching 100% (R100) Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme (SBVS) to access faster broadband and has seen his speeds increase by around 300%.

While the village is well served by roads and railways, Andrew’s home is roughly a mile from the main road, which is accessed by a dirt track. Poor broadband speeds have impacted his family’s finances and how his children attend university.

Having used the R100 online address checker to find that his address was eligible for SBVS, Andrew got in touch with a local supplier who recommended a new mobile broadband connection. Andrew noticed improvements in his broadband speed after his connection was installed, making an immediate impact on him and his family.

Mobile connection brings faster speeds

Andrew said:SBVS allowed us to get a mobile connection fitted externally to the house. Having this installed increased our broadband speeds by around 300%. This has allowed both my children to participate in live university lectures.”

Family time

“As a family we are now able to download films which were previously very slow and almost impossible! I would recommend SBVS because it has allowed me and my family to participate in media that we would otherwise not have been able to prior to applying for a voucher.”

Money saving speeds

“My children have saved money as a result of our new broadband connection, saving £20 each week on rail fares as they can now join university virtually.”

The R100 programme is enabling access to faster broadband via three strands of activity – the R100 contracts, commercial coverage and the R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme.

SBVS is available to properties who are experiencing speeds lower than 30Mbps and are not in the current build plans for R100 contracts or commercial coverage. SBVS is open to homes and businesses.

Find out more about the scheme and how to engage a registered supplier on our R100 SBVS page.