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Superfast speeds for remote Highland location

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Digital connectivity remains key in our home and working lives. Scottish Government’s R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme (SBVS) continues to keep people across Scotland connected.

Alan, from the Highlands was experiencing slow speeds before receiving a voucher through SBVS, getting a connection through wireless technology. For Alan this connectivity enabled him to be a remote worker and maintain employment.

Slow speeds

“Before receiving an SBVS voucher, I was using my smartphone to connect to the internet. I was experiencing slow speeds of less than 10Mbps on an old copper exchange with no prospect of moderate speeds. This would not support video calls, emails or streaming or any business use.

“The wireless option is a technology breakthrough enabling us to gain employment for my wife and I as we can now remotely work from home. This requires at least 50Mbps which Highland Wireless provides over a wireless link – which was easy to install.”

Superfast speeds in a remote area

“For non-business purposes we can now access streaming services for the TV, and FaceTime family without worrying about a weak and unreliable connection. The voucher has enabled a gateway to a great broadband solution for a very remote location in the middle of the Scottish Highlands - 55 miles from the nearest city.

“The service is a life saver and gives remote residences equal opportunity to be connected to a society which is now almost totally dependent on a broadband connection for basic conveniences like banking, online shopping and social contact.

“The voucher is greatly appreciated and a marvellous initiative.”

Find out more about the R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme.