News and Case Studies

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Taking broadband to Scotland’s most westerly mainland point

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Scotnet – a broadband provider based in Inverness – has recently utilised the Scottish Government’s Reaching 100% (R100) Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme (SBVS) to help develop a new network for the community around the Ardnamurchan peninsula.

Ardnamurchan peninsula

The network could eventually benefit around 300 premises and see broadband speeds jump from 1-4 Megabits per second (Mbps) to 35-100 Mbps.

Stuart Glendinning, Scotnet Director said:

“We faced many challenges throughout this build, but given the backing of the local community and landowners we’ve been able to deliver a transformational broadband service.

“We’ve used several technologies to help traverse the hilly and sparsely populated land, even crossing water at points. The R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme has really enabled us to build at scale and provide what several residents have called ‘life-changing connectivity’. It’s been great to see the positive impact this has had, especially through recent times where many people have felt the effects of the pandemic.”

Remote Scotnet mast in the Ardnamurchan Peninsula

Getting creative to overcome challenges

The Ardnamurchan peninsula includes the most westerly point of mainland Scotland where you’ll find the Ardnamurchan lighthouse. It takes 90 minutes to drive its full length, includes two islands and is known for its hilly and boggy ground.

A mixture of masts providing radio links and fibre in the ground to ensure stability will provide a network that should last the test of time. Even getting power to the masts proved a challenge at times.

Stuart added: “Where possible, we worked with SSE to power the masts with a locally metered supply. Getting machinery in and out of the remote locations relied upon some creativity, but the masts are now well protected from the salt air, livestock and should blend in well with their surroundings.”

Clive Downing, R100 Programme Director added:

“It’s fantastic to see what can be achieved in a remote part of Scotland when the community, supplier, key stakeholders and the Reaching 100% team work together. Stuart and his Scotnet colleagues have delivered a future-proofed broadband solution to an area that has suffered from slow speeds for many a year. I’m sure that other suppliers can take inspiration from this and deliver life-changing connectivity to other parts of Scotland too.”

Are you eligible for the R100 SBVS?

If your property’s current broadband connection is less than 30 Mbps and there are no plans for it to be connected to a faster service in the R100 contracts or commercial build, you may be eligible for a voucher which offers a subsidy worth up to £5,000.

The voucher can be used to access a range of technologies such as fixed wireless, mobile, fibre to the premises or satellite. It’s also specifically designed to allow vouchers for a single property, or to be combined in a community project.

Enter your postcode into our address checker to find out the status of your property.

About Scotnet

Scotnet is a broadband and telecoms provider based in Inverness. They have been connecting residents and communities across Scotland to faster broadband since 2005.

Scotnet are one of over sixty registered suppliers on the SBVS. They offer a range of services from ADSL FTTC, FTTP, through to dedicated Fibre Ethernet and radio connectivity solutions. Find out more about Scotnet at