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What broadband speeds do you need?

Monday, 20 March 2017

Although superfast broadband speeds bring great benefits to homes and businesses, the exact advantages differ depending on what activities you need to do online.

If, for example, you only do basic emailing and web surfing, you might not really need especially fast broadband speeds. However, superfast speeds can make a big difference if, say, you have many people online together, you want to enjoy crystal clear Skype, upload videos to the internet or run a business as efficiently as possible. Very few people really need the highest available speeds and only 6% of businesses use ultrafast 100 Mbps speeds. (Source: ONS, 2016).

Since the price of your superfast broadband will largely be driven by the speed that you request, it is worth giving some thought to your particular requirements, so that you don’t pay more than you need to. Our chart gives you a handy guide to the different speeds, to help you make the right choice.