News and Case Studies

Read news and articles on the progress of the superfast broadband rollout in Scotland and more.

Willie Harper

Thursday, 03 August 2017

Farmer, Willie Harper whose farm is outside Bridge of Weir in Renfrewshire is fibre enabled thanks to the DSSB scheme. Willie can get a broadband speed of about 18 Mbps – so not quite superfast – but enough for Willie and his family to see the many benefits.


Faster and more efficient

"Whilst we don’t quite have a superfast speed, fibre broadband has made a big difference both to me as a farmer as well as my family.”

Willie’s premises were connected in the Spring of 2015 via the programme, the areas of Bridge of Weir and Houston near to his farm have also been connected thanks to the programme.

Willie said, “We are very lucky that the fibre runs along near the entrance to our farm, and since we connected it has made a big difference to us.

Innovative ways of working

I regularly use the internet for farming passports and payments which are now all done online.”

Willie is regional chairman for National Farmers Union of Scotland and is supportive of the DSSB programme.

Willie said, “Decent reliable broadband is essential to everyone and farmers are no different. I’ve been very lucky that my farm runs close to a main road and in this case the fibre, but by the nature of it a lot of farmers are in more remote areas.

“I am pleased that the Scottish Government recognise this and have pledged that everyone will have access to a superfast speed by 2021.”

Improving communications

As well as using the internet himself for farming business, his two teenage daughters Emma and Olivia use it for downloading movies and of course school work.

Willie said, “Whilst we don’t quite have a superfast speed, fibre broadband has made a big difference both to me as a farmer as well as my family – I’m glad that more and more farmers will soon be able to benefit from it.”