
All things mobile

Making the community more resilient in Ettrick, Scottish Borders

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

The Scottish Government’s Scottish 4G Infill Programme (S4GI) is a £28.75 million initiative delivering 4G infrastructure and services in 55 mobile “notspots” in rural and remote parts of Scotland. S4GI is being delivered in partnership with WHP Telecoms and the Scottish Futures Trust, and is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support activity in the Highlands and Islands.

The S4GI mast activated in Ettrick, Scottish Borders, is a great example of how the S4GI programme has improved digital connectivity in rural Scotland. For local resident Ogilvie Jackson, the S4GI Ettrick mast has made a massive difference to residents and tourists.

  • “The Ettrick S4GI mast has been a fantastic help to our valley in many ways. Our valley can be prone to serious road flooding and there have been many occasions when motorists and lorries have been stranded. Having this mast now allows them to be able to call for help.
  • “Our main employers in the area are forestation and farming and there have been occasions when mobile phones have been essential to call for help.
  • “Tourism is very important to our valley and this new mast not only makes residents feel more secure in the knowledge they can call for help when needed but hillwalkers too. Some of our locals are even using the internet for the first time!
  • “Thank you for making our community a lot more resilient”

This case study is an example of the huge benefits the #S4GI programme is bringing to local communities. Find out more here: Scottish 4G infill programme: progress update - (